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(This Bible game coordinates well with our Sermon
on the Mount Bible Lessons.)
In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, he taught the crowd saying, “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to
you. . .” Matthew 7:12. What do you think
Jesus meant by this? (Receive
answers.) How do you want to be treated by others? (Receive
Today, we call this the golden rule. It is called
that because gold is a precious
metal and holds great value. Likewise, this teaching is a very valuable way to treat others. Jesus wants us to know that you and I are valuable to him. We are so valuable that Jesus died
on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. Therefore, we must value everyone, even those who
may seem less deserving. In fact, Jesus told us to love our enemies! This can be very
difficult and impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit. But with his help we can pray for those who hurt us and show them
kindness, treating others like we want to be treated.
Since God loved us first, we are to love and help others, not just our friends, but our enemies too. Today’s game will help us remember this important
teaching from Jesus.
Set Up: Divide players into relay teams of 4, 6, or 8 players each (Team 1, 2, 3 etc.). Divide teams in half and line up,
sitting down, one behind the other, on both ends of the playing area, side “A” and side “B” (2,
3, or 4 players from each team on one end of the field and 2, 3, or 4 on the other
end. If there's an uneven number, have one child run twice to give a friend a
helping hand and a
How to Play: At the go, first players in line on side A teams must stand up and run to side B of their team,
give the player a helping hand to stand up and say, “Let’s Be Friends!”
then give each other a high-five. Player from side A
then goes to the back of the line of side B and sits down, while the player who was
just helped up and given a high-five proceeds to race to side A to
help the next player stand, say "Let's Be Friends," and give him or
her a high-five. Play continues like this until all players have switched from A to B, and B to A,
are helped to stand up, have said, “Let’s be friends" and given
Play again but this time, change the exchange to a hand-shake, a thumbs-up, or a fist-bump. Play as long as time allows.
The team who finishes first wins.
After the game have cups of water ready for kids to drink, but rather than drink the cup they grab, they must give it to another player on the opposing team(s). Make sure only one cup is given per player so that all players are given a
cup of water from another player.
If you played the game, share the
Copyright 2025 S.A. Keith
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