Creation to Cross Totem Pole TM

Visually tells the story of creation, the fall, and redemption.

Creation craftfall to redemption craft   


         Creation               Fall to Redemption

Indians of the Pacific Northwest used oral tradition and totem poles to pass along their history from generation to generation. Totem poles visually recorded personal or family stories. They were also used to honor an individual or even to mark a grave site. Totem poles are not used as idols or for worship. With this in mind, our Creation to Cross Totem Pole craft visually tells the seven day creation story on one side and the fall to redemption story on the opposite side. Learn more about the Creation to Cross Totem Pole.

Pattern is black and white so children can color it. Fits around a standard, cardboard paper towel roll.

$3.99 Click here to purchase the Creation to Cross Totem Pole
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