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#3 for the "Most Popular Site in Christian Education"
Issue #74 - November 26, 2007
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

1) Christmas Tree Narrative
2) Parent's In Class
Not the Problem
3) Advent
Begins Sunday
4) Parents in children's S.S. Class
a "Christ-Filled" Chrismon Wreath
5) Christmas Poems, Verses, Sayings
6) Song: "My Gift is Me"
7) Christmas International Day?
Christmas Poems, Verses, Sayings

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True or False:
The Bible was written over a period 66 years.
(The answer is
in this newsletter)
1) Christmas Tree Narrative
We are going to try to do the Christmas Tree narrative - we do not have a full time pastor and sometimes have to minister to ourselves! If I can't find someone for Dec. 16th or 30th, that Narrative will work very well - you would love being here at Christmas time . . . the community does a "Christmas Walk" - this year we will start at the Catholic Church for Scripture and hymns, then walk to the Assembly of God Church - carrying battery operated candles and singing hymns, then to the Baptist Church and this year end up at the Presbyterian Church. We hear the Christmas Scriptures at each church and sing the great hymns - then refreshments at the end!! Just like an "old fashioned" Christmas - and the town is just one mile square, so we walk with the candle lights and are a visible presence in the community!!
Bye for now! Jackie
--from SSTN: the "Christmas Tree Narrative"
may be found in the "Christian Skits" section at:
2) Parent's In Class
Not the Problem
Was this really a problem of parents attending the child's class? My impression
was that the ones who did attend disrupted the class by their talking and
bringing their younger children into class. Had these parents been attentive
to the teacher's lesson and to the children, I'm sure this teacher wouldn't
have felt like her class was disrupted. Seems to me this is a case of disrespectful
parents, not whether or not parents should attend class.
3) Advent
Begins Sunday
This Sunday, December 2, 2007,
marks the beginning of Advent (Advent begins the fourth Sunday before
Christmas). Advent is a joyful celebration to prepare our hearts for the day
we commemorate the Word
becoming flesh a living among us.
To help you get ready, check out our Advent activities at:
and at
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
4) Parents in children's S.S. Class
I am responding to the topic of Parents in children's Sunday School Class. I am a Sunday School Teacher now, but am also a parent. When my children were little and we were just starting to attend church, the little
ones (I have 5) were very shy and afraid to go into a strange setting without Mom. I found that by sitting in class with them for a couple of Sundays that they soon relaxed and became adjusted and looked forward to going. The teachers were supportive and I'm sure they found it easier to give a lesson without trying to console a crying child. Teachers who discourage parents in the class may be discouraging the family from attending church. Just something to think about. If the teachers had asked me not to be in my kid's class, I would have looked for another church. Verna
5) Christmas Poems, Verses, Sayings
I teach music at a Christian School. for our Pre-K program, we use the following:
The First Christmas
(Action Rhyme)
Original Author Unknown
Clop, clop, clop went the donkey's feet,
Clop, clop, clop down the stony street.
Nod, nod, nod went Mary's head.
She was tired, and she needed a bed.
Knock, knock, knock went Joseph at the door.
"Do you have room for anyone more?"
"No, No, No!" the innkeeper said,
"I don't even have one more bed."
"Wait, wait, wait," the innkeeper said,
"You can use my stable for a bed."
"Shh, shh, shh...What is that I hear?
The cry of Baby Jesus, oh so dear!"
A Shining Star
(Action Rhyme)
Original Author Unknown
On the very first Christmas night,
(Put hands together; lay head on hands as if sleeping.)
A wondrous star shone big and bright.
(Hold hands above head; move fingers like stars shining.)
It marked the spot where the baby lay,
(Pretend to rock baby.)
So kings and shepherds could come to pray.
(Fold hands and kneel.)
Five Little Candles
(Action Rhyme)
Thanks to Mary K. for sending this one our way!
Five little candles (Hold up five fingers.)
burning so bright (Wiggle fingers.).
The first one (Hold up one finger) said,
"We make great light!" (Arms up.)
The second (Hold up two fingers.) one said,
"The child is born" (Rock baby.).
The third one (Hold up three fingers.) said,
"Our light will adorn" (Arms out in front, palms up.).
The fourth one (Hold up four fingers.) said,
"We shine for Him" (Palms forward at sides of face, fingers spread.)
The fifth one (Hold up five fingers.) said,
"Let's not be dim" (Cover pointer finger with other hand.)
So they stood very tall (Stand tall.) and glowed very bright (Arms up.),
And the Christ child smiled that very night (Smile, hands around face
We Sing the following:
"The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy"
"What Can I Give Him"
"Happy Birthday, Jesus"
Hope this helps!
Donna Hester
6) Song: "My Gift is Me"
It's from a Kathie Hill musical. You can purchase it in SSTN's bookstore. Just type,
Wise Guys and Starry Skies into
the search box to locate it at:
7) Christmas International Day?
My church have international day every year, this year we are focusing on Christmas.
Any ideas are welcome. Thanks
SSTN has subscribers from all major and most smaller countries.
Hopefully everyone will share their unique Christmas customs! Also, check out
the "History of the Christ tree" in the Christmas section at:
8) Christmas Poems, Verses, Sayings
You can always find short verses in Christmas Cards. Have parents bring in old Christmas Cards or look on line at places that would sell Christmas Cards and find verses or short poems that fit with your program and have the students quote it. Some cards also have shortened verses of scripture. I have done this with my very young children before and it worked out wonderfully. It will work for some older children who are very shy as well. Almost any child could quote this poem from a card.
What an Awesome Plan
What an Awesome Plan --- God in Christ --- Became a Man
Or this scripture verse,
John 1:4 --- In Him was life: and the life was the light of men.
This issue's Bible
Trivia answer is, "False. The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years".
Used by permission. From the game, Bible
To Continue
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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