**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN  # 52 - May 20, 2002

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1) Need new or used materials
2) Older Youths...help
3) David and Goliath craft?   
4) Ten Commands Song For Nancy
5) Help With VBS theme?
6) Lessons on Christian character?   

-> Summer Sale On Curriculum Items!

7) We 'Noah' our Bible verse!
8) Youth Director Help
9) Mother's Day Ideas

-> Interactive Lessons for Youths

10) Summer Sunday School   
11) Idea for Rahab Lesson
12) Old Video

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

1) Need new or used materials

I am a Sunday School Teacher and have a bus route through my church.  I
help the poor and needy who come.  Would you care to help?  I can use
anything that people can use.  Also, it can be new or old.  I am also in
charge of VBS this year.  I have some ideas on crafts, snacks, songs and
games.  What I really need right now is the materials for the kids and my
church is on no budget for this.  We have @ 100-120 kids.  I need
constuction paper--all colors--black, brown--dk and light, tan, green--dk,
med & light, orange, pink, red, white, yellow, manilla, natural and
purple--light and dark and assorted colors in long and short and five more
colrs for the mobile I am making.  I need yarn--white, yellow red, blue
orange green, dk. red and 5 more colors.  I need markers, crayons, black
sharpies, brads--100, craft sticks--300, moveable eyes for lunch paper
size puppets--400, paper lunch bags--200, pipe cleaners of assorted
colors--500, printer paper and cartiages, tying paper, sand paper--rough
grit, tape, glue sticks, staples and stapler, cotton balls--lots,
batting--poly fil, starws--a00, balloons--sm. & lg.--@100 ea and file
cards.  I need lots and lots of stickers--angels--2 kind, animals--10
kind, award--3 kind, apples--3 kind, awesome God--2 kind, balloons,
bathroom stuff, bedroom stuff, bible people, bible--75 kind, bees,
birds--3 kind, books, birthday, boat, bugs--5 kind, butterfly--3 kind,
bus, camera, car, children, children playing and working and doing stuff,
clock, clothes, crayons, cross--3 kind, dishes, christian and Jesus words,
feet, flag--2 kind, face parts, food and fruit, furniture, follow God,
frogs, insects, ice cream, heart--3 kind, hands--3 kind, Jesus--sm and
lg--3 kind, Jesus Names, key, lamb and sheep--3 kind, letters--2 kind,
lighthouses, lips, monkeys, musical instruments and notes, numbers,
leaves, park toys, party items and celebration and cake, people--3 kind,
plane, plants, prayer, praying hands, ruler and items for measurements and
scale, school, signs--4 kind, smiley faces--10 kind, trees,
tools--assorted, toys--assorted, train, tv, lamps, vine, love Jesus--He
and us, special--days and you are special,  several other kind, ten
commandments.  I also need prizes--large and small.  I need Bibles too.
If you would prayer that I can get this or the money for these, it would
be most appreciated.  Also of Any Sunday School materials.
My email is:  thekingskid@comporium.net. 
In Christ, Nancy Kitts

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2) Older Youths...help

>I need some help with the 14 - 17-18 bunch ! This is truly a test! Seeing
>I am only 10+ years the senior of all whom God has placed under my
>charge! Enormous undertaking!

Just be open and honest with them.  Listen to what they have to say.
Share YOUR faith in all it's ups and downs.  You are the best age to work
with that age group.  You're not the same age as "mom and dad".  If they
don't seem to be listening to you, let them know how it feels to you.  And
when they talk, LISTEN to them.  Laugh with them not AT them.  Accept them
for who they are and realise that everyone of them is going to be
different.  Stay flexible with your lessons.  If its not working or the
conversation goes another way, let it go there and find out what they need
to talk about.  This age can do a lot for the church and community and
they enjoy it more when you make it seem like their idea to do so.  Keep
praying and have fun.  God has given you this age for a reason.
In  HIS service,
Beth Calizo

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3) David and Goliath craft?   

A small group of us are looking for a craft idea for children when we go
to Mexico this summer.  One story that we are having trouble coming up
with a craft for is DAVID AND GOLIATH.  We do not want to make weapons
(slingshot).  Does anyone have any ideas?  We do not know the ages of our
students.  They could range from 2-12.  Many thanks  Diane

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4) Ten Commands Song

To "Nancy" who requested the remaining lines to the 10 Commandment Song
from 2nd grade. Check out www.isn.net/~frfrankj/klg14.htm. The entire song
is written in Father Jay's newsletter.

Just in case the newsletter is updated, and not available on the web,  the
missing 5 lines from the song Nancy asked about in the archived letter
found in http://www.christiancrafters.com/archive98.html   are:
Seventh I must be honest.
Eighth be truthful in things I say.
Ninth be pure in mind and heart and all I do and desire each day.
Tenth I must be satisfied not be jealous come what may
These are God's ten commandments, these I must obey. (Repeat).

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5) Help With VBS theme?
I am a Sunday school teacher at a small Methodist church.  This year we
are having our VBS with the them of "Under Gods Big Top" a circus theme.
We need to think up a theme that we can use for our shirts.  We were
thinking about something similar to W.W.J.D.  but using a circus theme for
it like the name of an animal sorta like F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God).  If
anyone could help it would be appreciated.  Our VBS is the Week of June

Love in Christ

--from SSTN: Hi Karissa:
What about "CLOWNS"?
The Clowns acronym, or "Clowns for Christ" would stand for:
C=Christ Jesus
W=Wonderful Counselor
N= Name Above All Names

ysic, sarah <*O:o)))

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6) Lessons on Christian character?   

Am having a real problem in our childrens church with behaviour inside and
outside the church not following with what the children are being taught.
Can anyone help me help them get the connection from what we learn to how
we treat others? Any Ideas much appreciated!!!!

--from SSTN: lessons, crafts, games pertaining to the "Golden Rule" would
be appropriate. See: Matthew 7:12.

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Summer Sale On Curriculum Items!

Buggie For Jesus - I'm A BEE-liever! and the VBS FUNPAK
are NOW on sale for the summer! Get them at:


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7) We 'Noah' our Bible verse!

I was searching the archives and noticed that there were very few bulletin
board ideas.  One of the bulletin boards I use in my Sunday School class
(preschool age) is .  I use a Noah's ark border, a picture of Noah's ark
and place our unit's bible verse under the ark.  Each week the children
add a bible sticker to their charts if they can say/repeat with help their
bible verse.  I use a gift incentive to help them learn the verses.  When
they have 4 stickers on their chart they get to get a prize from the prize
box.  It's amazing how quickly they learn their verses and its wonderful
that they are storing the Word of God in their hearts.  Thank you for
providing the opportunity to share ourthoughts and ideas with others.
Sincerely,  Louise (Oklahoma)

--from SSTN: Louise is right. Anyone else who wants to share your
bulletin board ideas, please do! Thank you for sharing, Louise!
ysic, Sarah <><

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8) Youth Director Help

>I was thrilled when our youth director came to our parish, because we
>losing our teens and middle schoolers.  He's been here a year and it
>gotten better, he's turned the kids off because he doesn't connect with

Dear Olga,
Is there no way to get rid of this guy?  If he is not doing the job he was
hired for, and is being paid for, then he is not being honest, or pleasing
to God.  Perhaps it could be suggested to him that if there is another
work God is calling him to in the church, then he should devote his time there,
and allow the youth to be "directed" by someone else God calls.  If there
is a need for a youth director, God will provide one, pray and seek His
will. I pray you will have success.
In Jesus, Kristine Bell

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9) Mother's Day Ideas

>I teach 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.  I am looking for a mother's day craft
>that is inexpensive and easy to do.  I'm checking out the archives I'm
>wandering if anyone has anything else.

Last year our kids made really nice little baskets while studying the
woman of Proverbs 31.  The baskets they used were miniature galvanized washtubs
(though any basket would do), and they filled them with handmade soap
(made the week before, though some inexpensive store bought would do the trick),
a kid-decorated packet of wildflower seeds, a facecloth, and a verse
(picked by the child) that they felt best described the woman they were
giving it to.  My little one was just born, but I still got a basket from
one of the girls (her mom got one from her brother).  It was a really nice
way of celebrating the qualities God values in women & mothers, minus the
commercial blah-blah. 
In Jesus, Kristine Bell

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Interactive Lessons for Youths

13 Interactive Lessons and Personal Devotions. Kids Learn by
Thinking and Doing.  Reproducible and kid Tested Activities. Topics
include studies of the book of John, Acts, Romans, Galatians, Psalms and
Proverbs. In the Christian Education section of the bookstore:


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10) Summer Sunday School   

This summer I am trying something new.  Since our Elementary
group is small (15 kids) our 1st-5th Graders are together on Sunday
mornings.  Starting in mid-June I will have a "party" each week.  Silly
Feet Party with feet games, craft, snack and a message about following in
His footsteps.  Each week will be a new party - Red, White and Blue
Freedom Party, F.R.O.G. Party, ROCK Party, Glow in the Dark Party, etc.  I will
set everything up but I'm asking different people if they would be willing to
come in and do the message part.  Our church goes to one service in August
and there is no Sunday School so this will be from mid-June through July.

For the kids and the Kingdom,

Stacey Kay
Director of Children's Ministry
Pacific Beach Presbyterian Church

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"Get em' in the LOOP!" 

L-eading kids to Christ,
O-ffering advice
O-pen discussion forum
P-roviding free resources

Invite your friends, pastors, and coworkers
to join our discussion in SSTN.


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11) Ideas for Rahab Lesson

>I'm desperately seeking lesson ideas for Rahab (she's the woman who
>risked her life to hide Joshua's spies at Jericho).  I'm looking for
>something fun and interactive. Anyone have any ideas? 

If it's practical, you could have someone hang a scarlet cord out of the
window of your classroom, then have the class go outside and find which
window is yours by finding the cord.

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12) Old Video

Several years ago I saw a live play at my step-sons church.  It was titled
(I think) " Heaven's Stairway, Hell's Gate".

Our church has had a play come several times and it has a similar title:
"Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames" It shows several scenes of different
families/people dying and going either to Heaven or Hell. And it was
extremely powerful. Is this the same play? If so I could probably get a
hold of a copy from our pastor for you or find out the address where you
can order it directly. You can contact me at:


In His Service,

--from SSTN: I received numerous responses to this request. For the sake
of space in the newsletter, and unnecessary repetition, the basic
information that each subscriber shared is that you may find out more
about this presentation/video at this website:

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Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

(In the memo section of your check write: 'SSTN Subscription'. Please
include your email address.)

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--Copyright 2001 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----

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SSTN Posting Guidelines:  

Publication in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly
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