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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 44 - May 17, 2004

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Super Heroes of the Bible: Two Semester Series

1) Sardines
2) Salt & Light Song
3) Fear Factor VBS
4) Bulletin Board Ideas

The Parables of Jesus:  6-12 Week Series

5) Hokey Pokey song
6) Thumb Body Special Song?
7) Salt & Light Song
8) Rancho Roundup VBS

Fruit of the Spirit Spinner

9) Motions for Songs?
10) Mother's  or Father's Day
11) Let the Sun Shine In
12) Spotlight on Jesus - VBS

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Super Heroes of the Bible: Two Semester Series

"Super Heroes of the Bible" is a special midweek program which examines
the lives of some famous and not-so-famous people who had willing hearts
to obey God. And by obeying him, they were used in miraculous and powerful
ways to help change the course of human history. It is the goal of this
series to build FAITH, COURAGE, and OBEDIENCE in the lives of children,
and to change the world for Jesus Christ.

To learn more, go to this page:
(you may need to copy and paste this address to your browser)

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1) Sardines

Sardines is a fun outdoor game. Check it out at:


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2) Salt & Light Song

Group has a CD from VBS with a song called "Salt & Light".  It is from
Polar Expedition (not sure of the year).  It is for a higher age level
than This Little Light.

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3) Fear Factor VBS?

>I am planning on doing a Fear Factor VBS this and have absolutely no idea
>where to start. I need some good Bible stories that deal with overcoming


www.teamce.com  actually sent this out last year to those signing up for a
trial membership of their service.  I myself didn't use it, but, if they
don't offer it & you want/need it, reply to me at abletec@surfbest.net
verify that the email is legitimate when requested to do so, & I'll be
happy to send you the cd w/the stuff.  It would help me if you'd be so
kind as to send a self-addressed stamped padded envelope, as I am
completely blind now & fighting my way thru breast cancer, so getting
around to do things like going to the post office is not easy for me at
this juncture.  I'll look & c whether the materials could easily be sent
as an attachment(s), &, if so, provided I have an email address for you,
I'll do that instead if at all possible, obvioating the need for you to go
through the trouble of sending an sase.  Let me know if you have an
unarchiving utility such as winzip, so I can compress the files & make it
easier to send.  Since I didn't use it, I don't feel that I'm violating
copyright laws by transferring it to you, provided you can't get it on
your own through teamce.com.  Let me know your pleasure. 
& thanks, Sarah K, for the nice work you do on this site!
"if u wana c a miracle, b a miracle! from Bruce Almighty
Jackie McBride

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4) Bulletin Board Ideas

We're using Faith Weavers Curriculum from Group Publishing and will be
studying Ruth and Boaz/ Gideon/Samson/Hannah/Samuel/Saul/David and
Anyone have any suggestions for a bulletin board idea?  I especially like
phrases that rhyme.
Karen Young

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The Parables of Jesus:  6-12 Week Series

Parables are "earthly stories with heavenly meaningsā€. This 12 week series
examines six parables that focus on "Faith", "God's Mercy", "Being
Merciful", "Obedience", "Prayer", and "Evangelism". Through the use of
hands-on Bible lessons, crafts and games, children will gain a better
understanding of these important truths. Can be incorporated into
rotation-type programs!  Learn more at:


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5) Hokey Pokey song

We sing it just like that only, we "Praise the Lord
together" instead of Hokey pokeying. At the end you change it to: "Praise
the Lord together" (3 times while waving hands in the air) & then clap,
"That's what its all about!"

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6) Thumb Body Special Song?

I'm looking for the words to a song thumb body special, you make a little
face on your thumb and sing the song for the kids. They really enjoy it.
If any knows this song. Please let me know. Thank you! God Bless!

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7) Salt & Light Song

The monks of Weston Abbey have a wonderful song "You are the salt of the
earth/you are the light of the world."

You should be able to find it on their web site--if you have trouble,
e-mail me and I'll hunt up which CD it's on.
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8) Rancho Roundup VBS

I have a question for Sharon Rowland, Boons Camp, Ky.  My name is Evonne
an I live in southwest Va. Sharon mentioned Christian Applachian outreach,
is this a place that will send materials to churches, individuals, or what
and how do I find out more info? I attend a small church and all the free
or low cost things we can get really helps a lot.
If Sharon or anyone has any info I would really appreciate it. My email is
anutinva@msn.com. Just say CA outreach in the subject line.
Thank You,

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Fruit of the Spirit Spinner

Children will learn the Fruit of the Spirit in a fun new way. Each
characteristic is illustrated with a whimsical cartoon fruit for kids to
color, cut, and spin.

Get a lesson and learn more here:

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9) Motions for Songs?

I saw a wonderful performance of youth acting out a song using
blacklights for the lighting.  I am wondering if anyone can tell me
where I might find resources for this.  The particular song that I saw
was "The End of the Beginning" by David Phelps.  I got the music, but
would like some help with the motions.


--from SSTN: ask the children for their input on motions...it works great!
ysic, sarah keith <><

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10) Mother's or Father's Day

> Mother's Day and death of mom
>"Mother's Day is fast approaching and I need help. I have a student whose
>Mother has passed away in January 2003 from an accident..."

I know it's late for Mother's Day...but perhaps the same idea would help
someone for Father's Day next month.  I also have kids in my kids church
who have lost their mother, as well as many kids from divorced families
that don't see one of their parents much.  I have shared with my kids a
little of my own experience, in which I let them know that growing up
there were times that my parents were not available to do what "normal
parents" might have been doing for me.  Over and over again, God blessed
me by placing other adults around me who were able to "pour into me"
(that image comes from speaking at a Mother-Daughter tea party...).   I
want my kids in church to see how being a member of God's family isn't
just a phrase--it's a tangible way God has blessed me and would like to
bless them, too.  I think the kids appreciated my being "real" with them
(without being too heavy), and getting to see the kids church leader
lives in the real world just like they do. 

Aside from sharing my personal experience, I try to never say the card or
craft we are making is just for Mom or Dad--I'll usually say we're making
a card for Mom, Grandma, or whatever lady you'd like to bless with this
gift (and something similar on Father's Day).  Sometimes this makes even
the kids who have both parents at home think of other folks they'd like
to bless with a gift, and then no one feels left out if they don't have
that parent at home.

Hope this helps
Dana in Cincinnati, Ohio

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11) Let the Sun Shine In

this web page has the words and guitar chords :
this one has the music playing in the background, and the words:
(I've heard the song, know it's on a video in our library ... did a search
on Dogpile.com for the phrase "let the sun shine in face it with a grin"
and voila!)
Linda in Ohio

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12) Spotlight on Jesus - VBS

I am heading up a brainstorming meeting for VBS Friday, May 14, 2004 and I
need some ideas that will help make this one of the greatest VBS ever in
the history of our church.  The theme is Spotlight on Jesus. John 8:12.  
Also, I would apreciate any ideas on lesson plans, crafts, decoration and
anything else you
may have.
Thank you,
Alfalene Richardson 

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Only one dollar a month helps to provide the Christian educational
resources in the website and newsletter. For more info, go to this


Or, mail your US check or US money order to:

Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription".
Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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--Copyright 2002 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----

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You will find the link at the bottom of the homepage.

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