4) Traveling Nativity
This year our entire family cannot get together on Christmas Eve for our traditional Christmas, so I have asked those that can come - and friends that would like to join us, to become a TRAVELING (living) Nativity scene that night!
We complain how the right to have nativity scenes is being taken away in the USA. Although our family doesn't own a yard nativity (we live in the woods in the country so no one would see it) we thought we would have some unique fun and take our "live nativity" on the road.
The plan is for everyone to bring their own blankets, sheets, towels, whatever is needed to cover our coats and look like shepherds etc. Our "caravan" will travel in as many cars as needed to our destinations.
We have several gals, so we will take turns being Mary. One of my granddaughters is excited to bring her favorite baby doll, wrapped in swaddling clothes to be Baby Jesus for us.
A shiny star will be attached to a pole and place high above our group, while someone yields a flashlight to shine on the star and we all sing - "JOY To The World" and "Silent Night" and neighbors and friends yards.
Right now there is a pretty good snow on the ground in Indiana with the strong possibility to stay cold enough not to melt away and perhaps fresh snow to be added by Christmas Eve! We are looking forward to making some great memories, blessing other families and exercising our right to "display" a nativity scene.
Won't you join us?
Emmalea Butler
Trafalgar, IN
--from SSTN:
what a fantastic idea...can't wait to see the pictures and hear the