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there am I with them." -- Jesus.
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SSTN # 35 - April 9, 2002
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1) An idea for teaching about Moses
2) Easter idea
3) Christian French website?
4) Vacation Bible School Videos?
-> VBS Funpak
5) Last supper ideas
6) Children's Church Question
7) Last Supper
8) VBS - Jesus to the Rescue ideas
9) Sunday School time
-> "Get em' in the LOOP!"
10) Children's Church
11) Children's Church
12) Desperately seeking help
<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><
Have you checked the Free Resources Section for this month? Also, while
you're in the site, make sure you check the Skits and Sermons section for
some great new resources!
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1) An idea for teaching about Moses
I wrote you about the little boys in my class who made a coat of many
colors for themselves and I failed to tell you that I teach at Faith FCM
Church in Walnut Grove, AL.
The class I teach is 4-7 year olds. For my lesson on Moses I call a Quail
farm in my area and the lady was more than happy to let me use two quails
for my lesson. The kids loved it. I ask if they thought that would be
enough for for them? And I also made "Manna" from flour tortillias. and
told them to take just as much from the bag as they thought they would eat
in a day. The kids had loads of fun watching and petting the birds. The
real excitment came when one of the birds got loose in class. They even
got to see what it might have been like to catch their supper. I realize
there might not be a Quail farm in your area, so you might try a parakeet.
This is something they will never forget.
Debra/Sunday School Teacher Faith FCM Walnut Grove,AL
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2) Easter idea
For the person who needed an Easter idea....last year I had someone at
church construct a wooden cross and wrap it in chicken wire. I picked lots
of wild ferns
and greenery and placed it all over to fill some space paying particular
attention to each end. We placed it at the front of the sanctuary with
baskets of flowers
in front of it (real and silk). (The Sunday before Easter we asked
everyone to bring flowers on Easter Sunday and we ended up with azaleas in
a rainbow of
colors, camellias, wisteria and wild flowers.) During the Easter program
as each participant read a poem or sang a song, they stopped to place
flowers on the cross. Afterward, I talked about how much Jesus loved the
children and had all children present come up and place some flowers.
Then I asked
everyone else in the congregation to come and place at least one flower to
show their love for God's great gift. At the end it was beautifully
decorated and I
explained that even though the old rugged cross made us remember the pain
and agony Jesus suffered, when we realized His great love and sacrifice
the cross became
a thing of beauty because it made our salvation possible. We ended the
service with "Because He Lives." I've already been asked several times
year if we're going to do a cross again.
Lillie from South Carolina
--from SSTN: Sorry this didn't make it in before Easter. But it will be
available for future use in the huge goldmine of ideas called the Archives
List, which contains a searchable database of all the previous SSTN
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3) Christian French website?
This is my first time writing, Thanks a lot may God bless you. I 'm taking
care of children in my church age of 4 and 10. I was asking if you may
know same French web site for sunday school just like this.sometimes i'm
lost i pray God to help me teaching this children to believe in Jesus. Can
you imagine I haven't found samething for easter. Can you give me some
ideas. I just love your site.Thanks God bless.
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4) Vacation Bible School Videos?
Hello I just love this site I've taught 4 yr olds 5 yr olds and this year
6 yr olds and have gotten some great ideas to get "the Word" out on a
child's level.
Last year our church started Vacation Bible School, but our director
wanted to start way before that and had purchased some programs, we wanted
to use a program this year but have found out you cannot order videos to
go with the kits once that year has passed so we are willing to try to buy
the videos if anyone knows how to get hold of these videos please, please
let me know we would love to use the bible school kit.
The Bible School kit is called "Holy Word" we need Chadders video where he
does the bible story each day, and we also need the Sing and Blast video.
If anyone can help please contact me at taykelcay@cs.com I really
appreciate your help.
Thank you Sarah for all the help you give!
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Get three great VBS resources at one reduced price!
In the Curriculum section:
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5) Last supper ideas
One thing I did when teaching on communion was to research the passover
meal and bring several of the items for the kids to taste so they get a
feel for what was really served as the Jewish observance. They seemed to
like trying the unleavened bread although the bitter herbs were not a big
hit.When walking through passion week, kids relate well to objects. I
teach 6th graders but I brought a cross and a large nail to step through
the exact sufferings of Christ. I used a railroad spike which is about 9
inches long and it always makes an impression. Someone recommended that I
also bring a whip like the one they punished Christ with but I thought
that might be too gruesome. Also, this may not be appropriate for the
younger ones but it is a powerful evangelism moment when they see how much
our Lord really did suffer when he died for our sins.
Jerry Malcolm
Confirmation Class Teacher
First United Methodist Church - Tulsa
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6) Children's Church Question
We have been using Gospel Light's My Great Big God ( pre K through 1st
grade) and Fruit of the Spirit (2nd grade - 6th grade) for our children's
church. Our teachers love the lessons, lots of easy ideas without too
much preparations!!! Great music, etc... I hope this helps.
In Christ,
Terri from CT
--from SSTN: this is available in our bookstore, Christian education
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7) Last Supper
For the last supper lesson, I bought a loaf of french bread and we had
juice to drink. I told the story about the Last Supper from the lesson
then told the group (3-year-olds and 4-year-olds) that I wanted to look at
what the Bible said about it. I read the scripture and we broke the bread
and at it as we discussed the bread's symbolism. Then we drank apple
and discussed what it meant. Then I explained about them possibly seeing
their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters during the Lord's Supper
at Church and that's what they are doing. The kids loved it and I thought
it was special to do with them since they weren't full church members at
that point. It gave us something special to do during our class.
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8) VBS - Jesus to the Rescue ideas
Dear Julie -
Our church used the Jesus to the Rescue curriculum last year and it was
FABULOUS!!! The music was great - my 2-year old is still singing the
songs she learned 8 months ago! We got all of our local "rescue people"
involved and each day, we treated the children to a visit from them. One
day, the pumper truck stopped by from the fire dept. and let the kids
spray the hose (awesome!!), the police K-9 unit stopped by with their dog
and the bike cops came by to discuss bike safety, and we had a paramedic
discuss more safety issues. This all tied in beautifully with the theme.
As for crafts, we used several from the curriculum and supplemented with
others (cheap and easy to make). Hope it helps.
God bless,
MaryBeth Reed
St. David's Episcopal Church
Agawam, MA
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9) Sunday School time
We have our Sunday School right at the beginning of service. The parents
bring their kids into the classroom and then attend worship. We bring all
the children back into the church at the "sign of peace". This way, the
kids have had their lesson and the parents have been able to listen to the
Word without having to worry about disruptions from their kids. And then,
the family is able to worship for the remainder of the service together.
It works wonders for everyone!!! And we have our Sunday School teachers
teaching every two weeks, with one Sunday as a "kids' worship service" and
then one Sunday as a "family service". This way the teachers aren't
overburdened and can still enjoy going to services themselves.
Hope it helps!
MaryBeth Reed
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"Get em' in the LOOP!"
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Invite your friends, pastors, and coworkers
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10) Children's Church
Check out Kids POWer Hour. It is inexpensive and
easy to prepare. Well - I do not know what kind of time your teachers are talking about, so it may not be easy for them! Our teachers spend time in
preparation, since we have kids 1-2 hours a week and the world has them
the rest of the time, we feel we must be prepared (and over prepared) so
we can pack enough stuff into the short time we have
Teresa, La Marque, TX
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11) Children's Church
about the childrens church thing. I have childrens church with ages from 3
to 6th grade. It is difficult at times but the younger ones are real good
about the things we do. And I do use materials from a publisher that
teaches with hands on and says I should be using one lesson a week. I go
longer than you do but I still break it into two or more weeks for each
lesson. They always give you enough stuff to do this with their materials.
Use some one week and then keep building on what you are teaching the
children. Have some hands on things for them to do and it will go great.
We just learned about illuminating something. The kids loved it. So I hope
this helps you. Joelene from Jackson,Mi
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12) Desperately seeking help
My name is Erin. I help teach my church's sunday school. There are
usually between 8-12 students between the ages of two and 8. I am not
sure if you could help me or not but its worth a try. The problem is,
there are three children who always act out of control. One tries to
escape all the time and likes to yell at everyone. The other two are
constantly ignoring everyone and try to start fights. We have tried
changing teachers...even putting three teachers in with them.Today we
tried seperating into age groups but nothing seems to work. The board
really doesn't want to have to tell the parents for fear of what they will
think. My question is, do you have any advice on how to calm them down?
Any information would be deeply appreciated. If none is available, our
church (which shall remain nameless) could deeply use any prayers you
could send our way. Thank you and God bless
Erin (assistant sunday school
--from SSTN: you might want to check the Archives List and use the
following keyword: "disruptive".
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