
The Place for Christian Education Communication
need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
Issue #32 - September 11, 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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Read what teachers are saying and asking:
1) Remembering 9/11
2) Sticky Note Ideas?
3) Sample Curriculum
participation makes SSTN a success!
4) Baptism Booklet
5) Money from Sunday school children
6) Money from Sunday school children
7) Must-See Inspirational Testimony

An Advent Celebration of
31 crafts and recipes with daily Scripture readings!
Ages 6 and up. Click here.
1) Remembering 9/11
I don't suppose anyone is
moving through this day without recalling the terror of what happened 8 years
ago to America and the rest of the world. As I watch the
videos replayed on TV and listen to the sounds, it makes me shudder! But in
the midst of it, I remind myself that God is still in control, he still reigns
and is working all things together for the good of those who love him, for
those who are called according to his purpose!
Remain faithful,
Sarah Keith <><
2) Sticky Note Ideas?
At parent pick up Wed. night one of the parents told me she writes notes to
her child during the week, reminding her and encouraging her to put into action
what was taught in the lesson the week before. For example, we are currently
teaching and piloting curriculum for the Sermon on the Mount. The lesson last week was on
being the salt of the earth and light of the world. The mom wrote the
following to her child and placed it in her lunch box, "let your light
shine...smile and be the light for others today."
love this idea! I thought that sending home ideas like this to parents
would be a great way to connect what we do with their kids and help them make the lesson stick
during the week. What
I'm asking the network for is more "Sticky Note" ideas, more ways to
make the lesson stick during the week! If we get enough of them, we'll set up a
webpage of Sticky Note ideas!
Serving the King and lovin' it!
Sarah Keith <><
3) Sample Curriculum
begun placing PDF files in the site to make it easier to sample our curriculum
lessons and skits.
Take a few minutes to a look at the following three. Please tell your friends
and coworkers too!
Choose This Day Whom You
Will Serve
His Name Shall Be Called...
Lights, Camera, Action, Based on the Gospel of Mark: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/curriculum-Bible-skits-Mark.html
As we get more samples up and running, I'll keep you in the loop.
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
4) Baptism Booklet
> Hi, I have been trying to find a short booklet to use when the children in our Church want to be baptized...
To Nancy:
We have two booklets that we use in our church when talking with children who want to be baptized that we've found really helpful. Both of these are workbooks.
The first one we use when we talk to the children before they're baptized is called:
"Joining God's
Family", by Standard Publishing, ISBN # 0-87403-846-4.
After the baptism, we have them go through a workbook designed for children and, with the help of their parents, it takes about six weeks and teaches them the next steps.
This one is called "Now That I'm A
Christian", Convention Press, ISBN # 0-7673-2040-9.
Hope these help.
Cathy Bodell
New Hope Church of Christ
Benzonia, Michigan
--from SSTN: if the links, above, do not work, you can find them both in our
bookstore by typing the titles into the search box at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/bookstore.html
5) Money from Sunday school children
Hi in response to previous comments made, I think it is important to teach children the principal of tithing. We as a children's ministry support a child in India via World Christian Ministries and we support Bumala Trust which supports children in Bumala, Africa. Our children write to the Bumala Children and we get regular updates about our child in India. We have found that the children are happy to get involved and to give when they see what is actually done with the money and how it helps individuals. We also send a
Christmas present and when we do our children's Christmas production a collection is made at the door and all money given to the Bumala Trust where a
Christmas feast is provided for the children.
Hope this helps
Shirley Watts
G-Foce UK
6) Money from Sunday school children
I guess I missed the beginning of this subject, but here are my 2 cents!
I've taught preschool kids for years (I'm getting children of the kids I've taught). I've used several different curriculums, but most had at least one lesson on worshipping God by giving. We'd talk about how God gives us every thing we have, and one way to worship Him is to give to His work. For the little ones, it was concrete like - I bring my pennies so we can buy storybooks that tell people about Jesus, or pay for the lights so people can come to learn about Jesus.
I heard recently of a church near us that is having an impact on young people (teens, 20s, 30s) ... but they had to lay off a pastor because their offerings are so low. Apparently these young people didn't learn about sharing (with the ministry, in particular) as children, and aren't picking it up well as adults.
But the little ones are eager to learn, usually eager to share, especially if they can see how what they give helps others. A few years ago, our 1st-6th graders collected money for a month to send to an orphanage in China (one of the girls was adopted from there) to buy school supplies. They received a picture of some of the kids who could now go to school because our kids provided them with paper, etc. Our kids were thrilled that their little bit was making such a difference. And I hope they've continued sharing what they have as they've grown up.
Of course, there are some kids who can't bring an offering. But we also talked about other ways to give what we have to show love for Jesus - a hug or kiss, singing a song, drawing a picture.
As I said, I missed the beginning of the discussion. But if someone is questioning taking up offerings from kids - these are my experiences and thoughts. Besides, the Bible teaches to share what we have, and that includes pennies!
Must-See Inspirational Testimony
The following link is a video of an amazing personal testimony by a former Muslim from
Iran. You've got to watch it!
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Or, write your US check or US Money Order to:
S.A. Keith - Creative Imaginations (d.b.a.)
Mail to:
438 East
Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403
(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription." Please
include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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