Children's Ministry Resources


Newsletter Issue # 26 --  September 7, 2016 



Mission Statement: brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our Bible lesson plans and activities are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.  


In today's newsletter:

1) Ice Breaker Activity

2) Christmas Poems and Rhymes?

3) Classroom Expectations -- "Rules"

4) Lighthouse Lessons

1) Ice Breaker Activity

With new semesters starting across the globe, it's always nice to begin with an Ice-breaker activity. I've written a new one called, "Spin the Bottle, Break the Ice," which you'll find on our Bible Games page in the Ice-Breaker Games section, and listed in alphabetical order. 

If you have an Ice-Breaker game to share, please reply to this newsletter or send it to

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith



2) Christmas Poems and Rhymes?

Good Morning

Please send me some ideas on Christmas poems and rhymes for age 10-11 .

Kind Regards
Daphne Pienaar

--from SSTN: hopefully some of the teachers in our network will answer your question. In the meantime, do use our search engine to find ideas submitted in the past. You can use the search tool found at the bottom of this newsletter or from our home page: 


Bible skits for children's ministry



3) Classroom Expectations -- "Rules"

It is a good practice to establish your classroom rules at the start of your semester. Whole Brain Teaching has developed FIVE ways to effectively convey these expectations to children:

Rule 1: Follow directions quickly.
Rule 2: Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Rule 3: Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
Rule 4: Make smart choices: (Editor's note: you might allow children to give their input on this rule):
             Kindness, Leadership, Courage, Invincible Grit, Creativity
Rule 5: Keep your dear teacher happy!



Bible games for children's ministry



4) Lighthouse Lessons

I'll be teaching the Lighthouse Lessons this semester. I wrote this curriculum as an overview for children on the Book of Acts and the Glory of God. I'd love for you to join me in teaching it, and as you move through the Bible lessons, send me your input. You may sample Lesson One from the following link: 

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith


Your donations and purchases to the website make this resource possible.


Have you written a children's or teen's ministry resource? 
SHARE your great ideas!

Send to: 

Follow us on Instagram @ssnpics
Hashtag your ministry pictures to: #sundayschoolnetwork


Use the link at the bottom of the newsletter to forward it to friends and coworkers.


SEARCH for ideas:

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Copyright 1997 - 2015 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations Reproducing in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. SSTN has contributors from all over the world who share their ideas. If you reprint any of the ideas from SSTN, or ChristianCrafters.Com in any medium (websites, magazines, newsletters, etc.), you must contact the submitter, and website for reprint permissions. Any materials used must also include the submitter's name and where the ideas were gleaned from. The opinions expressed or advertisements displayed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by or any of its affiliates. SSTN reserves the right to edit and or exclude information from the SSTN e-Newsletter.