Mission Statement: SundaySchoolNetwork.com brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our
Bible lesson plans and activities
are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.
Bible Game: Serve One Another
Bible Point:
To learn the meaning of the imperative from the Prayer of
Jesus, "Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." To serve one another in love.
Set Up: Establish a large playing area. At one end of the field, teams will need a set of two chairs that face each another. Position a basin on the ground between the chairs. Place a large pair of socks in the basin. Establish a start line for the teams at the opposite end of the playing field.
Read Matthew 6:9-13 from a child-friendly Bible.
When we say, “Thy Kingdom come,” we are recognizing that life on earth will not always be the way it is now. No matter what is going on in our lives, good or bad, it is a temporary situation. When we say, “Thy Kingdom come,” we are welcoming God’s rule and reign to begin here and now. We are saying, your kingdom, oh God, is the better way. We are eagerly waiting for God’s kingdom to come, when sin and suffering will be no more.

The second part of this sentence, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven,” asks that God’s will would be done here on earth, just as it is done in heaven. Heaven is a wonderful and perfect place. Pain, suffering, and wrongdoing do not exist in heaven. God’s will is always done there. There are no tears, sickness, sadness, or pain in heaven. Jesus wants his followers to ask for God’s will to be done on earth and then to do God’s will on earth.
Get the rest of this Bible
lesson and coordinating Bible game.
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Sarah Keith <><
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