5) Eggs, Easter and Pagan Rituals
...Eggs are not the domain of any one segment of society and are not inherently evil. We all eat them every day. They can be used in a number of ways to illustrate Biblical truth, and if they can be used to reach children at this time of year, I say, “great.“ If you have reservations about using them, then don’t. Now, the term “ Easter,“ on the other hand, if you really want to get picky, is evocative of the pagan goddess of spring and fertility, called Eostra, and should probably not have been used in the translation of the Bible to begin with.
– Maureen Dean
SSTN: yes, you're right about the word Easter in the old KJV. The original
Greek word from Acts 12:4 was "Pascha" for Passover. Modern translations, including the New King James, have corrected that
error and named it the feast of Unleavened Bread and/or Passover, which at
that time the terms were used interchangeably (you might also find Passover
week). For anyone interested in learning
more about the Feasts
of the Lord, check out the following resource: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/curriculum-feasts-of-the-Lord.html