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"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20

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It will be nice to see who is writing from where! :o)

<>< <>< SSTN-Volume 1-Number 109 <>< <><
October 20, 2000
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1) BEE ideas
2) WHY CHRISTIANS DO NOT celebrate Halloween?
3) On Taking Halloween from Satan
Giving Banks
5) Looking for ideas
6) Lock-In
Bee Ideas
Cowboy Christmas Play?
9) Christmas Songs

* WHEN POSTING YOUR MESSAGES: Use upper and lower case letters,
and a standard black font style such as 'Arial'. Thank you!

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1) BEE ideas:

Check out http://akidsheart.com/bible/bee/beeing.htm
There is a whole site entitled Being What God Wants Us to Bee. There are bookmarks you can design or premade ones that you can print, coloring pages, games, etc. I think this may help you!
Katrina -Christ Lutheran Church
Pittsburgh, PA

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2) WHY CHRISTIANS DO NOT celebrate Halloween?

Hi! It's wonderful to receive my first newsletter...I have a situation: I have been assigned to teach all the children of our kids church the Sunday before Halloween WHY WE CHRISTIANS DO NOT celebrate Halloween! Years ago I heard a great story about the background of Halloween and all that good stuff that kids ask us. I don't know if it was Dr. Dobson who put it out or not. Anyhow, I need to gather some info before the last Sunday of the month for my 80 children of ALL AGES! Any activities that we may throw in would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks and God bless.

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Tell NetAngel.Com that Sarah from: ChristianCrafters.Com sent you!!

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3) On Taking Halloween from Satan

I understand your thinking about taking Halloween from Satan, but my concern is if you know the background about carving pumpkins. The tradition came from druids that would carve gords into the image of evil spirits so the evil spirits would possess them for the night and give them supernatural powers and protection. Thus, through the years the tradition of jack-o-lanters came to be. I would suggest taking this into prayer before taking this any further. I just wanted to let you know the history of this old time tradition and to inform you where it came from incase you were not aware and to stress that carnality comes in from Satan in all forms. God Bless(K.C. in Mebane,N.C.)

-from Christiancrafters.com: these two postings came in back to back...the latter not referring to the former...isn't it great how God can give us answers even before we ask? ;o)

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Notify me if you change your email address, even if that means unsubscribing, then resubscribing. Thanks! Sarah Keith-Your Moderator <><

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4) Giving Banks

>Does anyone have an idea for a craft that would emphasize "The Gift of Giving". We >wanted to make "Giving Banks" and use 3 small cylinder containers wrapped together >so kids could use them as 'Giving Banks=savings for: God, Me, and the Bank.'

What a great idea! The first thing that comes to my mind to use for this craft would be toilet paper and paper towel rolls (cut in half). Everyone uses these products and they are easy to save for crafts such as this one. They are also easy to decorate with paper, leftover wallpaper, contact paper, markers, stickers, etc. Good Luck!
Renee in Georgia

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In Holidays & Holy Days:

You Can Now Purchase:
Family Celebrations at Thanksgiving and Alternatives to Halloween,
** Biblical Christmas Plays & Musicals

** Chrismon Snowflake Ornaments (Make & Create)

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Looking for ideas

> Looking for ideas and games for a back to school bash lockin at our church.
> The Theme is "out of this world"

Each year for any overnight that we have a theme for we make a banner during the event that portrays the theme. We ask everyone to take part in making it and designing what they think it should look like. We have the felt and other materials ready for them to use. Then we hang it in the youth room as a reminder of the event, plus it adds to the decor of the room. How about having them break into small groups and each make up a skit around the theme? We also usually do some kind of a craft that goes along with the theme too. Have fun and enjoy.
God Bless, Pam Moore
Greentown UMC, Ohio

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Don't keep SSTN to yourself! Invite your pastor and coworkers to join us!

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Lock in

We are planning a lock in for our kids during Christmas Break.

We have had Lock In's before and we can relate to your dilemmas. For the midnight to 8:00am activities, how about trying videos and if you are hosting that many kids, we recommend renting a BIG screen TV. It cost us about $150 and it attracted everyone's attention. About the parental shifts, we have never tried that except for our high school prom. I believe it works for them. We have also had tournaments throughout the evening. Try ping pong, monopoly, etc... Be sure you post the standings and make it pretty official. We have also tried writing notes to kids to ask them to join the group. Mailed them the next day and made follow up calls the following week. Have Fun!
God Bless, Pam Moore- Greentown UMC, Ohio

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7) Bee Ideas

"Bee Obedient" look at Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 1

From ChristianCrafters.Com: If you haven't read through the Buzzing-Bee page in the site...your're missing some fun!

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8) Cowboy Christmas Play?

We are trying to find the children play called "Cowboy Christmas". Which was probably published 5-10 years ago. If you have any info. sure would appreciate it!
Thanks, Rick

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9) Christmas Songs

>Every year our Sunday School has a special Christmas Program. I am looking
>for some Christmas Songs for the children to sing to the church. Any ideas
>or suggestions would be much appreciated. Tweety from Pa

During our time in a small church pastorate, I did the following for the
children's church (only consisting of 6-8 children....) because we had no
budget for a "production" and definitely not enough children for one.

Only takes one adult (or teen) as a Narrator + the children + a piano player
or split track with the following "usual" Christmas carols:

Narrator: Reads Luke 2:1-5
Children sing: "O Little Town of Bethlehem"
Narrator: Continues with Luke 2:6-7
Children sing: "Away In A Manger" or "Silent Night"
Narrator: Continues with Luke 2:8-14
Children sing: "Angels We Have Heard on High" or "Silent Night" (if you
didn't use Silent Night above)
Narrator: Continues with Luke 2:15-20
Children sing "Go, Tell It on the Mountain!"

I had a split-track that contained every one of the above songs that I used.
I got it at a Christian bookstore for about $7. Hope this idea helps.
Blessings! Tina Jackson, Peachtree City GA

From ChristianCrafters.com: make sure you check the bookstore in the site, and use the book search engine to find other items not listed. You can get music, magazines, and videos too! Blessings, Sarah Keith.

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Invite your friends and coworkers to join us!


Publication in any medium for commercial purposes
is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.

--Copyright 2000 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved.

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* If at all possible, try to post your questions two weeks in advance. That way it will appear in the newsletter in a timely manner, and you'll receive your response before you need it.

Don't forget about the availability of free Bible Games & Skits, Children's Sermons and Christian Crafts at ChristianCrafters.Com! If you have a Bible game, sermon, or Christian craft that you've created, email me, Sarah Keith, and share it with the rest of the world in my website!

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Go to www.ChristianCrafters.Com and click on 'Archives List'.
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The Sunday School Teacher's Network is brought to you by:
--Copyright 2000 S.A. Keith--
(The opinions expressed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by ChristianCrafters.Com. SSTN reserves the right to edit and or exclude information from the SSTN e-Newsletter. You can read a short 'bio' regarding Sarah Keith, founder of the SSTN, by clicking on the copyright info at the bottom of the home page of ChristianCrafters.Com)

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