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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 100 - November 18, 2005

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Easy Download:
Pilgrim & Indian Finger Puppets (Set of Four)

1) Advent Idea
2) Children Participating in Worship
3) Supa Dupa Christmas?
4) Live Nativity Scene?
5) Pen-Pals?

Christ-filled Ornaments

6) Ten energetic boys in one class!?
7) Hidden Treasure Parable?
8) October 31st...something to share
9) S.K.I.P. Children's Church
10) Report Card
11) Children's interest in worship
12) Critical Comments

<>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <><

Easy Download:
Pilgrim & Indian Finger Puppets (Set of Four)

A fun activity to coincide with your Thanksgiving lessons!
Download as many sets as you need for a small, one-time fee!

To learn more, go to:
Premium Club Members receive a 15% discount. Learn how at:

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1) Advent Ideas

There are four Sundays in Advent - so not just one weekend - and it's a
month-long (there abouts) observance. At my church, a long-standing
tradition is to get together on the first Sunday in Advent during the
Sunday School hour (kids and adults) and make Advent wreaths - real
greenery, candles, etc...The church provides all the materials and I
provide Advent appropriate crafts for the children to do alongside parents
making wreaths. It's a huge mess, with lots of preparation, but a fun
community-building intergenerational time.

--from SSTN: for more ideas on Advent and making Advent Wreaths,
go to the Crafts page and/or search page at:

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2) Children Participating in Worship

Four years ago, I started Youth Sunday Once a month.
Kids of all ages participates in Greeters (went by Sunday Class), Passing
the offering basket and the Sunday School children sang a song.
Also recognized a Sunday School child each month as "God's Child".  It was
always a secret who the God's Child was until it was announced that
Sunday.  Read about the youth and gave them a bookmark, cross necklace or
key chain.  Got it out of Oriental Trading.
Also, all the children sat together in front of the church on this Sunday
also.  I usually had something for them to color and gave them tootie
The kids enjoyed this and looked forward to it.
RS, Indiana

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3) Supa Dupa Christmas?

After googling a piece of music i need for christmas with my childrens
choir your website came up as resource! I am looking for the music to the
song supadupa christmas with jesus this year i dont know the writers name
and i really wanted to use it. I hope you might be of some assistance to
me and look forward to hearing from you!
Yours in christ
Karen (the salvation army!)
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4)  Live Nativity Scene?

Our church is planning to have a live nativity scene this Christmas.  I
would appreciate any helpful ideas. Thanks, Wanda

--from SSTN: check out "Bethlehem Drive" in the Skits section at:

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5) Pen-Pals?


I  looking for penpals for my sunday school class.
I read that a lot are looking too, On the Sunday School Teachers Network.
We have a class of age 8 to 12. Boys and girls.
We have started a new class called CIA (children in Action) Sort of like a
Christian girl,boy scout. They work for badges and one is being a penpal.
Thank you

Here is my info:
Joann Riddell
Here is some info for you and my pastors phone
Pastor Sherril Tillery
First Baptist Church of Moore Haven
avenue J and 3rd Street
Moore Haven, Fl.33471

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Christ-filled Ornaments

Do you remember the fun of making paper-cut snowflakes as a child?
This holiday season relive the nostalgia with friends and family by making
my Christ-filled, Chrismon Snowflake Ornaments.

To see a video of the Angel Snowflake being cut, go to:  
(you may need to copy the address to your browser)

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6) Ten energetic boys in one class!?

We have on Wednesday nights 10 boys in our 9 - 12 year olds.  They are
loud, disrespectful and have an attention span of about 5 minutes or
less.  We would like some lesson ideas or any advice you could give to
help.  We have already started by posting class rules with the
consequences beside each rule if they break it.  Any advice or lessons
would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Margaret, Family Worship Center

--from SSTN: I can relate to your predicament, but it can be a wonderful
thing too! Get those boys moving with Bible songs, games and skits. A
brilliant suggestion by another subscriber is to videotape your class, and
hint that you want to show the parents all that you and they accomplish
during class. ;o) Also, usually there is one "ringleader", get him on your
side by having him help to lead. If that doesn't work, have his parent
join you in class. Keep praying!
ysic, sarah <><

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7) Hidden Treasure Parable?

I am a new member to this site.  I am looking for some thoughts on
teaching with object lessons on The Hidden Treasure parable.  Can you
steer me in the right direction?

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8) October 31st...something to share

Dear Sarah,
I enjoy this e-newsletter very much! Thank you for supporting our
minstries with your resources. I have purchased many of your items.

I wanted to share with you what God shared with us about October 31st. We
volunteer at a Senior Citizen Center, who was having a Costume
Party...what were we going to do? My girls are 4 & 5...during our morning
prayer God said " You are children of the King". So we went and found
crowns and everywhere we went people said "Oh, Princesses" and we gave the
response of "No we are children of the King. We are every day, but don't
usually wear our crowns!." So for halloween we took off our everyday
costumes and showed people who we really were. We also passed out Way of
the Master Tracts. All the kids wanted one. When people came to our door
we invited them in and visited with them, gave them a tract and some
homemade treats(small community). We really had fun being who we really
are and treating others like they are children of the King too(some just
don't know who their Father is yet).
Also for Pastor Appreciation Month, the Wednesday night kids group invited
Pastor to a Potluck once a month for the year. We held our first one last
week and everyone enjoyed the fellowship with Pastor. It was very simple
and short.
Serving Him Enthusiastically
Lois in Kansas

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9) S.K.I.P. Children's Church

We have re-vamped our Children's Church and now call it S.K.I.P. (Sunday
Kids in Praise) with God.  The children stay in the sanctuary for the
first half of the service and then leave for S.K.I.P.  S.K.I.P. is for ages 4-7,
youth through the age of 10 are welcome with the understanding that this
is a praise service and they will be looked upon as a leader and should set
examples of good behavior for the younger children.  Our service follows
the traditional order of our adult worship service.  It has gone well but
we do need some suggestions for one area.  We ask the kids to share their
joys and concerns and they gladly do so, to the point that it takes a big
chunk of our time together.  Any suggestions on how we can have a
purposeful joys and concerns time while reducing the amount of time it

David Machon
Associate Minister of Youth and Christian Education
Olivet Christian Church

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10)  Report Card

We don't do a report card exactly but the kids get a certificate of
promotion at the end of the year - this certificate has all the different
types of things the Sunday Church School did that year eg. hosting
fellowship, choir, Advent Pageant, Pretzel making, Pancake breakfast  etc
and the kids get to put stickers beside each activity they participated in
that year.  It's a fun way to remember back on all the activities. Some of
the stickers are easy to attain (for showing up basically) and others are
limited to kids that make the extra effort...

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11) Children's interest in worship

> One thing we need to keep in mind, not only for the younger ones in our
> care , but for ourselves too, is that worship is not about US , the ones
> who are worshipping.

I just want to second this contributor's words.  Our church includes
children in worship service each Sunday, and I see too many parents
bringing Game Boys or other distractions that aren't Christ-centered.  One
of the best things that can be said for children in worship is that they
need to be INVOLVED, not just present.  A good suggestion is to have a
worship bucket.  Musical instruments that the kids can use (tamborines,
bells, etc.), or other visual forms of worship, like ribbons or other
fabric that can be waved, can put the childrens' bodies to work, and
thereby draw their interest into the service.  The kids don't always get
the message or words to each song, but they can become involved at their
level, and gradually learn to worship God with their whole self, body,
mind and spirit.


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12) Critical Comments

I am deeply concerned by all the comments. We
christians seem to be more critical about the way each
of us teach our classes than any other group. Now,
with that being said,  the Bible talks about some need
milk, and others need meat. You can't give meat to a
newborn nor can you give milk to a meat eater. There
must be some balance. I once spoke about gospel
illusion and someone was very quick to say that I was
wrong and it should never be done in church. However,
a question to ponder is, How do you feel about Jesus
always haven spoke in parables? Would you be critical
of his method of teaching? I feel he spoke in parables
because it drew people's interest in. They could
understand heavenly things in earthly carnality.
Another thought to ponder is: Is the method that
people use to teach really that important compared to
the outcome? Isn't the end result what will count
most? Children who are in school learn times tables.
Does it really matter what method they use to learn
them, or is it that it is learned? I'd rather someone
get saved by   a fear factor game, a sunday school
incentive, or a different teaching approach than not
at all. So, I say if the tools you use work, use them.
God uses all different things to reach people. Not
every person is alike nor does he treat us so. I say
this not to offend anyone, but to encourage people to
look passed methods, but to the outcome.

In Him,

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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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