Thumbs Up Bible Blanks

Memory Game

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Use this activity idea to introduce any new Bible memory verse or for reviewing older ones. I'm featuring John 3:17 here, which is a great add on verse to our John 3:16 lessons

What You Do: Cut cards apart and apply Sticky Tack to the backs. Write the Bible verse on the board, leaving the words on the cards blank with a line to mark the space. Write large enough so that the cards can be inserted in the blank space. Children take turns attempting to place the cards into the correct position of the verse. If a child thinks a card was placed incorrectly, he or she may move it to another position on their turn. When the class agrees the verse is correct, teacher gives a thumbs up or down. If it's a down, children continue trying to solve the verse until the teacher gives them the thumbs up!

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I hope you enjoy teaching kids to hide God's Word in their hearts!
Blessings to you!
Sarah Keith

Copyright 2025 S.A. Keith

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